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Awareness of Healthcare Art
With the increase in the aging population, more focus has been placed on developing solutions to improve the living environment of the elderly population, which takes into account health and accessibility issues. Awareness of the ability of interior spaces to create positive changes in people's lives is increasing, so interior design is also becoming relevant to this type of healthcare art advocacy.
Art in the Healthcare Environment
Art can be therapeutic, if carefully chosen, in a healthcare setting. More than a pretty image, healthcare art can convey healing messages. The messages can be subliminal, such as a peaceful landscape view of a summer evening, or be outright communication, such as beautifully written words like “hope, peace, love.”
Healthcare art can be carefully chosen to send signals to the brain, and in our human shared experiences convey well-being, positive thinking, hopefulness, determination, or tenacity. Healthcare art can calm, provide a focus for quiet, deep breathing, relaxation, and touch points for human connection.
Appropriate use of healthcare art totally depends on who is viewing it, and the environment in which it will be seen. The next time you are in a hospital in the Kansas City area, take note of the healthcare art on the walls. How does it make you feel? How is the art different in the lobby than in the patient rooms?
Examples of guidelines for choosing healthcare art include:
In areas that patients see, use healthcare art images that are realistic rather than abstract (a Swedish study documented that patient recover more quickly when the art they view is realistic), calming in color and subject matter.
In public areas, there is more latitude of subject matter and type, and for administrative areas more corporate styles can be appropriate.
In treatment rooms, be non-gender specific and do not use photos of food.
Physical therapy areas need energetic, healthy lifestyle images.
We at Graphic Grocery maintain a large gallery of images that can suit any healthcare art need, and we can help you find just the right image. We will even frame and hang it for you, if you prefer.
Contact Us for Healthcare Art in Kansas City – We Can Help Make a Difference
Luke’s Lab is in the Kansas City area, specifically in Overland Park, KS.
Whether you’re looking for more
information or you have some work to get started on, you need to
contact me, owner Luke Letourneau, either by phone or email.
City (Overland Park, KS) Studio: 913-236-5095
Kansas City, MO cell number: 816-865-7891
Email: lukel@lukeslab.com